
Labyrinth Board Game

Basic Board That Is Randomly Generated
Move Validator
AI That Calculate A Step Further To Determine The Best Move

General Information

This is an assignment for my high school computer science class, where we get to design an AI for the labyrinth board game, and it turns out to be pretty fun. However, for me, at the same time that I need to figure out the algorithm for the AI, I also volunteered to code the game board that everyone else in the class will use.

The board is coded in about three days. Therefore, it might lack some design and functionalities, however, it is good enough to be displayed on the projector, and it turns out to be pretty good looking as well.


Version Name Link About
0.1 Labyrinth Jar Need Java
0.1 Labyrinth Exe Exe version
0.1 Labyrinth Jar (GitHub) Need Java
0.1 Labyrinth Exe (GitHub) Exe version