
Face Detection

Green Box That Shows Where The Face Is
Video With A Grey Scale Applied
Video With Histogram Equalized

General Information

Experimenting with JavaFx and OpenCV, and eventually followed the tutorial about how to make a program that can detect human faces. During this project, I am able to understand the basic algorithms included in identifying human faces in images. It was quite fun; however, I do use other people's Haar and LBP cascade classifier, and I am not able to create my own for another object, for example, cars. Still, I do know the mechanics of those classifiers, as I read through a lot of research papers regarding this topic.

"Unfortunately, I was not able to get the face recognition going after serval attempts, without the complete guidance of this kind of project. Since my previous level of coding and programming is that high, I gave up and stay with the face detection. Maybe, as my experience expand and grow, I might go back on this assignment and explore all about recognizing faces and remembering them.


Version Name Link About
1.0 Face Detection Jar Need Java Installed
1.0 Face Detection Exe Exe Version
1.0 Face Detection Jar (GitHub) Need Java Installed
1.0 Face Detection Exe (GitHub) Exe Version