
Big Data Weather Assignment

Spring Theme
Summer Theme
Autumn Theme
Winter Theme
Data Table
Data Analyzed In Pie Chart
Data Illustrated In Line Graph
Data Graphed In Heat Map
Data Reported In A Weather Forecast
Five Cities In Canada Is Included
A General Information About Each City
Loading Screen
Ability To Download And Updata Data

General Information

This is an assignment that I got to work on in high school. It is a new form of education that basically joined two different classes, and let them participate in the same thing. Luckily, I am able to have this experience, and I did enjoy it.

For my case, our grade 12 computer science class is actually combined with a grade 9 geography class just for the sake of this assignment. We have meetings every Monday, and in total, we have about one month to finish this project.

With the grade 9s joined our class, originally there is a barrier of communication, either we seems too powerful, or the grade 9s are not that familiar with another group of people that are much older than them. However, this is just like a simulation of the workplace, where people have to meet and will eventually get familiar with each other and begin to discuss the real topics.

Serving the grades 9s and fulfilling their demands introduced an exciting yet challenging obstacle to the project, as the ideas of the grade 9s might change. Therefore, we need to modify or even change part of our code to satisfied what them, the user, the customer, wants; and thus this becomes an enhanced experience as it is similar to what will happen in a real workplace scenario.

Since we as the computer science students are currently working on the topics of big data, and they as the geography students are working on weather. We both are provided with the task of analyzing Canada's weather in different cities.

Ryan Low, Zhenyu Huang, and I, in the end, created this extraordinary piece of work, or at least ideal in my mind and compared to others. It is finally turning into an executable jar file, and it even now being used by some geography student.

This is the first time that I spent time styling all elements in pure Java, and it works out great. If more time is given, or suggested by any of you guys reading this, I am willing polish the product, and make it even better.

All data are from Statistic Canada.


Version Name Link About
1.0 Big Data Weather Assignment Jar Need To Have Java Installed
1.0 Big Data Weather Assignment Exe Exe Version
1.0 Big Data Weather Assignment Jar (GitHub) Need To Have Java Installed
1.0 Big Data Weather Assignment Exe (GitHub) Exe Version